Thursday 26 May 2016

Understanding, Advantages, and Deficiency At Linux OS

Understanding, Advantages, and Deficiency At Linux OS

Understanding Linux

Linux is an Open Source-based OS reply created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The equipment of the system comes from the GNU operating system reply posted by Richard Stallman in 1983, the GNU is the basis for the emergence of the name GNU/LINUX. So, I think Linux is the OS yg has developed right from the GNU reply there used to be.
Since the presence of Linux has been widely used and known by people thanks to the support of such a large perusahaan2 Intel, Dell, Oracle, RedHat and some other big companies. With the Open Souce based OS reply, Linux can be used in a wide variety of devices, including desktop computers, and embedded systems such as electronic books, gaming the system, and the router.
Many people argue that the success of Linux because it doesn't rely on the vendors, low operating costs, high compatibility and comparison of UNIX OS version unproductive free, as well as in the field of security and stability are high compared with other yg OS such as Microsoft Windows. These traits also be evidence upon the advantages of Open Source Software development model.
The Linux OS which is known by the term Linux distributions generally include supporting software such as web server, programming language, database, desktop (desktop environment) such as GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, Unity, etc., also have an Office application packages such as, KOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric and LibreOffice.

Advantages Of Linux

-Nature of open source, free and open. so no need to charge for it. FREE LICENSE and can be used at will.
-Linux is now easier to operate. It used to be a linux user is identical to the hackers, but now had many lay people use it.
-Almost all regular applications running on windows, there is already a linux application developed by the linux community or it could be using a software emulator.
-Have a superior security for multiuser design so that when a particular user-attacking virus, would be very difficult to spread to other users.
-Suitable for PC that have the bare minimum because linux requires a smaller resource than Windows.
-Linux can run in two modes.
-Rarely crashes that require us to restart the computer because linux is more stable.
-Has a community in various parts of the world.
-There are various options such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Centos, RedHat, Opensuse, Mandriva, etc.

Deficiency Of Linux

-Many users have not accustomed to using linux.
-Hardware support from certain vendors that are not too well on linux.
-The installation process is not as easy as windows.
-Applications in linux is not yet such a powerful application in windows.
-For system administrators who are unfamiliar with the Unix-like, so would not want to have to learn it first.
-Directory structure and permissions are confusing for users who are accustomed to using windows.

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