The population of Râmnicu Vâlcea is known to the world because of fraudulent activity being performed in some large sites like eBay or Craigslist. Although the distance of Râmnicu Vâlcea is pretty far from the center of the European Union, Nnmun in this city we easily find the car BMW or Audi disekitan city. Offered daily from Wired "Cars luxury cars filled the streets of Râmnicu Vâlcea, downtown is filled by BMW, Audi and Mercedes are dikendari by a guy with a range of age 20 to 23 years old often look sporty. Feel is often looked nervous while being stuck at a red light. " No wonder they are driving a luxurious car, mobile car is the result of fraud cyber (cyber Scam) that they do.
Very few of the inhabitants of Hackerville who held fast to the ethical hackers. Most of the population of Râmnicu Vâlcea is using their ability to commit fraud and profession as scammers. Every action they are able to steal thousands of dollars from each transaction conducted by a foreign buyer. These activities make young men in the city became rich, usually they set aside their money to fulfill their desires against luxury cars.
There is no single person who knows when is the first cyber crime growing in Râmnicu Vâlcea. However, the description of some people the condition developed after the onset of the revolution in Romania in 1989. The impact of the revolution happening makes society Râmnicu Vâlcea has a chance to have some supporting devices and computers. The opportunity to possess a computer device that is allegedly the reason development of cyber crime in the city.
In 2002, the cyber crime in the city has increased. This is driven by the condition in which the emergence of internet cafe that offers low price against internet access. These conditions are assumed by the communities dimamfaatkan Râmnicu Vâlcea for creating fake ads on eBay and several auction sites like CraighList to lure buyers. The false advertisements into mere for the scammer to encourage buyers to transfer purchases against a fictitious product offered by the scammers.
In the expansion of Râmnicu Vâlcea has gained attention as well as pressure from the FBI investigator. FBI gives special attention to cyber criminals big in Râmnicu Vâlcea. However, it does not much alter the face of Râmnicu Vâlcea. Society of Râmnicu Vâlcea is still committing fraud and phishing activity for profit the easy way. While on the other hand the Government of Romania does not presume that they the condition as a serious problem.
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