Sunday 29 May 2016

A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

The Definition Of OS (Operating System) 
A set of programs that manage the hardware resources of a computer, and provide public services for software applications.

Windows Os

Windows 1.01 Current Version/Build 1.01 released in November 1985
Windows 2.03 Current Version/Build 2.03 released in November 1987
Windows 2.10 Current Version/Build 2.10 released in May 1998
Windows 2.11 Current Version/Build 2.11 released in March 1989
Windows 3.0 Current Version/Build 3.0 released in May 1990
Windows 3.1x Current Version/Build 3.1 released in March 1992
Windows For Workgroup 3.1 Current Version/Build 3.1 released in October 1992
Windows NT 3.1 Current Version/Build 3.1 released in July 1993
Windows For Workgroup 3.11 Current Version/Build 3.11 released in December 1993
- Windows 3.2 (released inSimplified Chinese only) Current Version/Build 3.2 released in January 1994
- Windows NT 3.5 Current Version/Build NT 3.5 released in September 1994
Windows NT 3.51 Current Version/Build NT 3.51 released in May 1995
Windows 95 Current Version/Build 4.0.950 released in August 1995
Windows NT 4.0 Current Version/Build NT 4.0.1381 released in July 1996
Windows 98 Current Version/Build 4.10.1998 released in June 1998
Windows 98 SE Current Version/Build 4.10.2222 released in May 1999
Windows 2000 Current Version/Build NT 5.0.2195 released in February 2000
Windows Me Current Version/Build 4.90.3000 released in September 2000
Windows XP Current Version/Build NT 5.1.2600 released in October 2001
Windows XP 64-bit Edition (IA-64) Current Version/Build NT 5.2.3790 released in March 2003
Windows Server 2003 Current Version/Build NT 5.2.3790 released in April 2003
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Current Version/Build NT 5.2.3790 released in April 2005
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Current Version/Build NT 5.1.2600 released in July 2006
Windows Vista Current Version/Build NT 6.0.6002 released in November 2006 (volume licensing) January 2007 (retail)
Windows Home Server Current Version/Build NT 5.2.4500 released in July 2007
Windows Server 2008 Current Version/Build NT 6.0.6002 released in February 2008
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Current Version/Build NT 6.1.7601 released in October 2009
Windows Home Server 2011 Current Version/Build NT 6.1.8400 released in April 2011

OS Linux

- GNU/Linux Distribution
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Arch Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Debian Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Fedora Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Gentoo Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Knoppix Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Mandriva Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Redhat Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Slackware Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- openSUSE Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

- Ubuntu Family
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

Comparison of OS Windows vs Linux

OS Windows
- Kernel : Hybrid
- Licenses : Commercial
- Source lines of code : 40 - 45 million
- Files system support : NTFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF; 3rd-party drivers support ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, and HFS
- GUI : On
- Packet management : msi

OS Linux 
- Kernel : Monolithic with module
- Licenses : Free
- Source lines of code : Tak Terhingga
- Files system support : ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, and others
- GUI : Depend
- Packet management : e.g.: rpm, apt, yum, etc

Other OS
- Chrome OS
- IBM's OS/2warp
- MorphOS
- etc

OS Usage Distribution

February, 2010 to December, 2010
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

January, 2011 to December, 2011
A Variety Of OS (Operating System)

Open Source VS Free Software

Open Source VS Free Software

Open Source 
Free access to the source code, freely in development, and the free license.

Free Software 
- If the person receives a copy of the software have the freedom.
- Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.

The Freedom Of Free Software 
- Freedom 0: the freedom to run the program for any purpose.
- Freedom 1: the freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you want.
- Freedom 2: the freedom to distribute the software, so you can help people around.
- Freedom 3: the freedom to improve the program, and release improvements (and modified versions in General) to the public, so as to benefit the whole people.

Examples Of Free Software
- MySql; relational database
- Apache; Web server
- Sendmail; mail transport agent
- Latex; typesetting systems.
- the LibreOffice; Office suite
- Emacs; text editor
- GIMP; drawing and raster image editor
- etc

The Advantages Of Free Software
- Free to use
- Free to access
- Free to develop
- Free to redistribute
- Free from price

The Weakness Of Free Software 
- Update Path
- Security

Friday 27 May 2016

Comparison Between Open Source and Closed Source

Open Source

- Free license
- Non developing source code
- OS : multi function
- Applications are also available free
- Minimum requirements for the installation of OS/applications

Closed Source

- Commercial
- Not free to develop source code, can only be developed by owner only
- OS : only for specific purposes
- Applications are generally paid
- Need a specific specification to install OS/applications

The Advantages Of Open Source 

- Legal
- Source code can be learned
- Non development according to needs
- Does not need antivirus
- Quick weaknesses detected (as done by many people)
- Supports Almost the entire hardware
- OS/applications available for free

Advantages Of Closed Source 

- System Stability is assured because there is a responsible official
- Support direct from the owner of the application/program
- easy to get certification
- easier to use/learned/understood because the majority of users use it

Disadvantages Of Open Source

- No special support/direct from the maker (developer)
- The open gaps, can be used for information retrieval
- Promotion of public use, a little hard, because generally users using closed source
- difficult to get certification

Shortage Of Closed Source
- The existence of a license that requires users to provide funds/financial
- development limited -required antivirus
- Application of generally available paid
- Detection of weaknesses of applications waiting for feedback from users

The Development Of Closed Source

 Comparison Between Open Source and Closed Source

The Development Of Closed Source

 Comparison Between Open Source and Closed Source

Thursday 26 May 2016

Understanding, Advantages, and Deficiency At Linux OS

Understanding, Advantages, and Deficiency At Linux OS

Understanding Linux

Linux is an Open Source-based OS reply created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The equipment of the system comes from the GNU operating system reply posted by Richard Stallman in 1983, the GNU is the basis for the emergence of the name GNU/LINUX. So, I think Linux is the OS yg has developed right from the GNU reply there used to be.
Since the presence of Linux has been widely used and known by people thanks to the support of such a large perusahaan2 Intel, Dell, Oracle, RedHat and some other big companies. With the Open Souce based OS reply, Linux can be used in a wide variety of devices, including desktop computers, and embedded systems such as electronic books, gaming the system, and the router.
Many people argue that the success of Linux because it doesn't rely on the vendors, low operating costs, high compatibility and comparison of UNIX OS version unproductive free, as well as in the field of security and stability are high compared with other yg OS such as Microsoft Windows. These traits also be evidence upon the advantages of Open Source Software development model.
The Linux OS which is known by the term Linux distributions generally include supporting software such as web server, programming language, database, desktop (desktop environment) such as GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, Unity, etc., also have an Office application packages such as, KOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric and LibreOffice.

Advantages Of Linux

-Nature of open source, free and open. so no need to charge for it. FREE LICENSE and can be used at will.
-Linux is now easier to operate. It used to be a linux user is identical to the hackers, but now had many lay people use it.
-Almost all regular applications running on windows, there is already a linux application developed by the linux community or it could be using a software emulator.
-Have a superior security for multiuser design so that when a particular user-attacking virus, would be very difficult to spread to other users.
-Suitable for PC that have the bare minimum because linux requires a smaller resource than Windows.
-Linux can run in two modes.
-Rarely crashes that require us to restart the computer because linux is more stable.
-Has a community in various parts of the world.
-There are various options such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Centos, RedHat, Opensuse, Mandriva, etc.

Deficiency Of Linux

-Many users have not accustomed to using linux.
-Hardware support from certain vendors that are not too well on linux.
-The installation process is not as easy as windows.
-Applications in linux is not yet such a powerful application in windows.
-For system administrators who are unfamiliar with the Unix-like, so would not want to have to learn it first.
-Directory structure and permissions are confusing for users who are accustomed to using windows.

Monday 23 May 2016

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Windows 10 has been released on July 29, 2015, have made many people entranced with features ranging from the Cortana, Hello, Microsoft Windows Edge and others. The Microsoft Edge is a browser created to replace the legendary browser i.e Internet Explorer, however the Enterprise version 10 for Windows, Internet Explorer is still provided with the Microsoft Edge. The Microsoft Edge touted as the browser can understand and provide ease of access to its users. Through the Microsoft Edge, the user can provide a note or a picture or give certain points on the highlights on a website as well as share to colleagues. The Microsoft Edge also makes user easier to read an article on the website.

However, the Microsoft Edge not only myself because there's still a browser-other browsers are popular and exist to rival Microsoft Edge such as Google Chrome. Google Chrome is one of Google's successful products such as the already known about performance makes a lot of people might still prefer the Microsoft versus Google Chrome Edge. Is Microsoft Edge could rival Google Chrome? Quoted from Mashable that tries to compare the performance of the Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge using a laptop HP Spectre x 360 with Intel Core i5 processor and 8 GB of RAM. Following the results of the comparison of the Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge:

1. Futuremark Peacekeeper

Peacekeeper is a JavaScript benchmark with some sort of test run functions ranging from rendering capabilities, HTML5, and parsing text. Below is a number or a score from Peacekeeper results comparison Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge.

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

The results showed a Peacekeeper score courtesy of Google Chrome is larger than the Microsoft Edge, the higher the score the more high performance from the browser and Google Chrome achieve higher numbers exceed the Microsoft Edge on the results of the test.

2. SunSpider Javascript 

SunSpider JavaScript benchmark is created by the Apple Webkit team in 2007, but a little different from the Peacekeeper because only the test of JavaScript alone. SunSpider JavaScript is often used for browser comparisons, using the latest version 1.0.2 here it results a comparison of Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge.

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Seen from the figures for Microsoft Edge have numbers lower than Google Chrome, in contrast with the Peacekeeper, the lower the number in the SunSpider JavaScript means the better the performance.

3. V8 benchmark Suite - Versi 7 

Created by Google to test the performance of JavaScript in Google Chrome. Test results can already predict will be won by Google Chrome but the results also showed Microsoft Edge has a score that's not so bad.

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

The higher the score the good performance of the browser, on this test Google Chrome managed to surpass Microsoft Edge.

4. Real-World Speed 

This time the test compare between Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge when opening a website. The difference between the Microsoft Edge with Google Chrome only few milliseconds does not feel the real situation.

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome, Who Is The Most Excellent?

5. Conclusion Microsoft vs. Google Chrome Edge 

Judging from the results of the above looks Google Chrome have better performance than Microsoft Edge. Microsoft's own Edge really prove that he could replace Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Edge worth a try. There are already 10 install Windows and try the Microsoft Edge?

Friday 20 May 2016

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World

Some books even often accused of spreading crime or extreme thoughts in the middle of the community. Fiction books that present explicit violence also often scapegoats over violent behavior in a society. The following books include works of literature are labeled as a cause of crime. The controversy that accompanied its publication making a variety of negative speculation attached by a wider audience.

1. The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
What is the equation of Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, and Lee Harvey Oswald? The third murderer is equally obsessed on The book The Catcher In The Rye written by J.D. Salinger. After Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon with a shot, he read the Catcher in the Rye while waiting for the police arrived to arrest her. John Hinckley, the man who tried to kill former President Ronald Reagan, the United States is also reading this book. Reportedly, Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of President John f. Kennedy was also an admirer of this book.
Salinger wrote down The Catcher In The Rye in 1951. This book describes depression and consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers through the viewpoint of Holden Caufield, a young man of 17 years has ever been treated in a mental hospital. A dark story within the Catcher in the Rye lure readers from different generations. This book has sold 65 million copies.

2. Battle Royale - Koushun Takami

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
Since its appearance in world literature, the novel Battle Royale has already spawned controversy in Japan. Because this novel displays of violence in its most extreme. Battle Royale tells the JUNIOR grade 3 students who were forced to kill each other to win the artificial simulation program of the Government. Reportedly, Takami renders the Battle Royale as a satire against the Government of Japan on the death of young sakura soldiers in World War II.
The novel and film Battle Royale type associated with the incident Penggorokan Slasebo. Satomi Mitarai, a 12 year old ELEMENTARY SCHOOL student slashed by students in his class of its own. The perpetrators of the 11 year old still loves watching violent-themed events. He is also known as readers of Battle Royale.
The case happened in 2004 that captured public attention and sparked the proposal to lower the age of liability rules a criminal offence in Japan.

3. Rage - Stephen King

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
Stephen King is known as one of the writers of horror and mystery that is most productive. He also was often criticized for his controversial. In order to publish the results of his work without too much criticism surrounding the body, King chose the pseudonym Richard Bachman in the 1970s.
Under the pen name Bachman, King had published seven novels in fruit. One is the Rage which he completed while still a teenager. The novel tells the story of a high school student killed his teacher and his friends hostage at grade algebra.
In 1997, three armed teenagers do terror action in school, killing several classmates and wounding the rest. The perpetrators confess if they had made the main character Rage as inspiration.

4. The Anarchist Cookbook - William Powell

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
Battle Royale if written as a satire for the Government of Japan, The Anarchist Cookbook written by William Powell to protest the United States involvement in the war against Viet Nam. The book he wrote when he was 19 years old and was first published in 1971.
The Anarchist Cookbook presents the aright the manufacture of explosive devices, telecommunications systems, and pirate goods for other terrorism action needs. The book also includes instructions for the manufacture of illegal drugs, including LSD.
Reported by BoingBoing, a terrorist bomb ' recipes ' practicing from that book. The terror action planned by the bomb, killing a policeman and wounding three others.

5. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
A Clockwork Orange is a dystopian novel written by Anthony Burgess. The book was first published in 1962. A Clockwork Orange is told against the backdrop of a parallel world, United Kingdom in the future. Burgess showing violent extreme teen subculture through the adventures of the main character, Alex filled criminal actions.
A Clockwork Orange is mentioned as one of the pioneers in the genre of dystopian featuring explicit violence. When new supply in the market, this book is a glamorous and anarchist action accused acts of rape.

6. Lord Of The Flies - William Golding

Lord of The Flies is a novel written by Nobel Laureate in literature, William Golding. The novel was published in 1954 and became one of the most phenomenal allegorical novel of all time.
Lord of The Flies story begins with a plane crash United Kingdom. The plane was stranded on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. The only survivors are a group of teenage males. With diverse backgrounds, the teens were trying to survive in the wild and formed a new social system. Unfortunately, far from modern civilization made their tendency to behave as primitive increasingly dominant.
Lord of The Flies try to offer a metaphor of the human tendency to over controversial acts are barbaric when desperate circumstances.

7. The Satanic Bible - Anton Szandor LaVey

7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
7 Books That Are Considered a Cause Of Crime In The World
From its title alone might have sounded controversial. The Satanic Bible is Gutenberg Bible adherents of Satanism. This book was written by Anton Szandor LaVey in 1969. LaVey founded the sect of the Church of Satan and wrote down The Satanic Bible as a guide for his followers.
The Satanic Bible contains the core principles, philosophy, and the dogma of Satanism. The contents are in the form of a collection of essays, observations, and rituals done LaVey.

That's some books that are labelled as being both the evil in the world. True or not, the last opinion is determined by each reader.

Thursday 19 May 2016

HackerValley Heaven Of Cyber Crime

Râmnicu Vâlcea is a city located in the southern part of Romania, the town is located 12 KM from the Cozia Mountains. The city is so beautiful with the natural environment, besides Râmnicu Vâlcea is also not far from the capital city of Romania, Râmnicu Vâlcea is just three hours from Bucharest. However, Râmnicu Vâlcea is more attracted the attention of the world comparison with his country's capital city, Bucharest. This is caused by the activity of the global-scale cyber crime that happened in Râmnicu Vâlcea. Due to the large number of kracker and scammers who operate in the city, making the city the nickname "HackerVille".

The population of Râmnicu Vâlcea is known to the world because of fraudulent activity being performed in some large sites like eBay or Craigslist. Although the distance of Râmnicu Vâlcea is pretty far from the center of the European Union, Nnmun in this city we easily find the car BMW or Audi disekitan city. Offered daily from Wired "Cars luxury cars filled the streets of Râmnicu Vâlcea, downtown is filled by BMW, Audi and Mercedes are dikendari by a guy with a range of age 20 to 23 years old often look sporty. Feel is often looked nervous while being stuck at a red light. " No wonder they are driving a luxurious car, mobile car is the result of fraud cyber (cyber Scam) that they do.

Very few of the inhabitants of Hackerville who held fast to the ethical hackers. Most of the population of Râmnicu Vâlcea is using their ability to commit fraud and profession as scammers. Every action they are able to steal thousands of dollars from each transaction conducted by a foreign buyer. These activities make young men in the city became rich, usually they set aside their money to fulfill their desires against luxury cars.

There is no single person who knows when is the first cyber crime growing in Râmnicu Vâlcea. However, the description of some people the condition developed after the onset of the revolution in Romania in 1989. The impact of the revolution happening makes society Râmnicu Vâlcea has a chance to have some supporting devices and computers. The opportunity to possess a computer device that is allegedly the reason development of cyber crime in the city.

In 2002, the cyber crime in the city has increased. This is driven by the condition in which the emergence of internet cafe that offers low price against internet access. These conditions are assumed by the communities dimamfaatkan Râmnicu Vâlcea for creating fake ads on eBay and several auction sites like CraighList to lure buyers. The false advertisements into mere for the scammer to encourage buyers to transfer purchases against a fictitious product offered by the scammers.

In the expansion of Râmnicu Vâlcea has gained attention as well as pressure from the FBI investigator. FBI gives special attention to cyber criminals big in Râmnicu Vâlcea. However, it does not much alter the face of Râmnicu Vâlcea. Society of Râmnicu Vâlcea is still committing fraud and phishing activity for profit the easy way. While on the other hand the Government of Romania does not presume that they the condition as a serious problem.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed

Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Perhaps a superhero-themed games are already pretty much in the market. But most of the action genre and only a few are fighting genre. But very interesting once played the superhero mutual scuffles, barter blows and their special abilities. This time, I tried to summarize some of the fighting game which involves the superhero. Probably not that much and just dominated by the "stronghold". But still these games are highly recomended for the gamers who want to gamble its flagship superhero abilities. Just listened to his review.

1. Avengers In Galactic Storm (1995) 
Developer And Publisher: Data East
Platform: Arcade
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
This game is an adaptation of the comic Operation: Galactic Storm (1992). If in all his comic the Avengers team all out for action, whereas in the game unfortunately only Captain America, Crystal, Black Knight and Thunderstrikeyang play able, the rest is a member of the Kree Empire. In total there are 8 playable characters plus the character's Assistant, who only appears if an attack is ordered. This game combines the graphic rendering of 3D characters and 2D for the background. But instead of being realistic, that there are even graphicnya so it looks weird.

2. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe (2008)
Developer And Publisher: Midway Games
Platform: PS3 & Xbox 360
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
If pitted in strength, the Swordsman Mortal Kombat is not obviously opposed to the DC superhero commensurate. Moreover, Superman is able to suppress the entire character certainly Mortal Kombat in minutes. But that's what happens in this crossover game. There are 22 characters from their respective strongholds, including 2 boss that is Darkseid and Shao Kahn. Typical features of the Mortal Kombat series namely Fatality retained only. But do please there are pieces of the body and blood to be ejected, since however this game is game "half" of the superhero. Know yourself right, Superman, Batman had a noble nature that is forbidden to kill his enemies.

3. Tatsunoko Fight (2000)
Developer & Publisher: Eleca / Takara
Platform: PSX
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Tatsunoko Fight is fighting game which pitted the superhero release Tatsunoko Production, a Japan animated series. Each character comes from the popular anime series 80s. They are the Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (here known as G-Force), Neo-Human Casshern, Tekkaman: The Space Knight, and Hurricane Polymar. There are 16 playable characters including the enemy monsters. Graphicnya cool and crisp, with a touch of nuance anime 80s. The special movement of each character is also simple and easy to master.

4. X-Men: Mutant Academy (2000)
Developer & Publisher: Paradox / Activision
Platform: PSX
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Appropriate title, this game is mempertarungkan the superhero member of the X-Men. Unfortunately only 4 members who show up i.e. Cyclops, Wolverine, Gambit, Storm, Beast and Phoenix. While from the opposing side just Toad, Sabretooth, Mystique and Magneto. Although it was released simultaneously with the X-Men The Movie (2000), this game is not the game adaptation of the film although there is little influence from movienya. The sequel of this game was released a year later with the addition of a mutant character pretty much and mode-new fashion. For that year, the size of the graphic this game is pretty smooth. Let alone a combo and the special character of each mutant varied enough.

5. Avengers: Battle For Earth (2012) 
Developer & Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: WiiU & Xbox 360
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
This game was initially intended as a film adaptation of the Avengers (2012), but later changed to a comic adaptation of the Secret Invasion (2008). However there remains the flavor of the film here. Unlike other games, this game wearing a third-person perspective, similar to the series Dragon Ball: Budokai Tenkaichi so capable of presenting a more realistic fight. Moreover, plus the effect of destruction arena that makes the fight the more exciting. There are 20 playable superhero characters, with unique super ability respectively. For those who want to feel the thrill of the fight film-style superhero in the Marvel Civil War, this game is worth a try. Oops, he says he is in this game there are Spider-Man as well.

6. X-Men: Children Of The Atom (1994) 
Developer & Publisher: Capcom
Platform: Arcade, Sega Saturn, Playstation
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
X-Men: Children of the Atom game is the two X-Men in arcade's screen and is the first fighting game franchise of X-Men. This game is a comic adaptation of Uncanny X-Men (there are also wrote the animated series his TV broadcast the early 90s). There is a 12 character mutant (including evil mutant) that can be played with a mixed ability, all of which will be dealing with the most powerful mutant, Magneto. In gameplay is still similar to the Capcom games a type such as Street Fighter Alpha rapid battle or Darkstalkers i.e. with various special effects. Each character can be pulled out of the X-Power if it reaches certain terms. Unfortunately not all members of the X-Men appeared in the game (for example, Rogue, Beast and Gambit).

7. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013) 
Developer & Publisher: NetherRealm Studios / Warner Bros Interactive
Platform: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, WiiU, PS Vita , Android, IOS
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
The success of Batman: Arkham series and Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe parties making DC makin confident their superhero game released. This game is a proof. In this game there are more than 30 available superhero who each have the skill and ability as it is in the original comic. Exciting time fighting each character can use surrounding objects to be thrown toward the enemy like a car, chunks of concrete, and more. And if timingnya is right, we can hit the opponent to bounce away and create powerful destructive effects. Although fighting games, it turns out that this game has a solid story and braided with a variety of cinematic high.tarecgosa cool like superhero movies. And in the game this is explained the reason why Superman and Batman has to fight.

8. Marvel Super Heroes (1995) 
Developer & Publisher: Capcom
Platform: Arcade, PSX, Sega Saturn
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Those Games The Superhero Fight Not To Be Missed
Appropriate title, this game pits the superhero Marvel. Unfortunately of the many superheroes, this game contains only 13 characters, including the villain. In gameplay and graphic similar to the X-Men: Children of the Atom that is fighting with fast tempo with the effects of the blast and the rays there here. A distinguishing feature is the existence of gems scattered in each bout, which will give certain effects such as recovery and speed. The tempo of the fight fast with a super massive special kick is still a main menu of the game. Let alone supported a very 2D graphic detail.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Latin Name Of Tulips, Classification, And Unique Facts

The Latin Name Of Tulips

The latin name is tulips (Tulipa SP). which is one of the 10 most beautiful flowers in the world. The interest comes from the Central Asian land has undergone fairly long history in its development to become a prima donna flowers. Tulips became a symbol of love and affection. Two young men on the boat in the countries of Europe often give this flower as a symbol of the love and sincerity. Its beauty makes everyone especially womenfolk are indeed very interesting, but is it really the tulips can be grown in Indonesia? What is the latin name of tulips, like what its classification in the Kingdom of plants? Unique facts and what this sub-tropical flowers owned? We'll write a review for you.

The Latin Name Of Tulips, Classification, And Unique Facts
The Latin Name Of Tulips, Classification, And Unique Facts

Classification Of Tulips

Based on the pengkelasan system of living beings, the classification of interest named latin Tulipa sp is as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Liliales Family:
Liliaceae Upafamili: Lilioideae Genus:
Tulipa Latin name: Tulipa sp

Unique Facts Of Tulips

-Behind the beauty of form and color, tulips apparently save a lot of the fact that not much is known    to people in General. What are facts about tulips? This is the answer!

-Tulips is the annual plant that has a bulb In the Netherlands the plant can reach a height of    approximately 70 cm this winter flowering i.e. approximately in March and April.

-If flower shoes into the arms of the national flower of Malaysia, tulips became a symbol of the    national flower of Iran as well as Turkey.

-Flowers named latin Tulipa sp. it can only grow and bloom in subtropical temperatures took less    than 16 degrees Celsius.

-Tulips are very easy dikawinsilangkan to get color variation. Flowers can be single colored mixture    results (red, yellow, Orange, green, purple, and blue) coloured compounds with the alias of some      kinds of gradations and color combinations.

-The flowers are nicknamed the "Tulipomania" has also become the symbol of the love symbol alias    and the beauty of the world.

-From some experiments, these flowers can be planted in Indonesia as long as we could modify the    microclimate in the environment where the growth as it has done in Singapore.

-Although very identical to the land of the Netherlands, tulips are not original Netherlands flower. It    actually comes from Central Asia. Tulips formerly is the growing interest in ways wildly in the    Pamir, the steppe in Kazakhstan, as well as the mountains of the Hindu Kush. Due to her beauty,    beauty as well as tulips then managed to captivate the public, then the Turkey Ottoman Empire in    1080 they begin to create them.

Unique Facts Related To Selfie

Currently, the phenomenon of selfie or formerly known by the term "narcissist" seems to be a very widespread outbreaks in people's lives. Did You Know? As it turns out, the phenomenon of selfie has a variety of unique facts associated with it. Both origins, popular selfie poses, until the popularity of selfie on the life of the past. Unique way? So roughly, what unique facts related to selfie? check out the full review here.

1. The Origins Popular Selfie

Unique Facts Related To Selfie
Unique Facts Related To Selfie

One of the unique facts relating to selfie is the origin of the selfie. Have you guessed where the origin of this unique phenomenon? The answer of course of social media. This phenomenon started when webcam emerged from a wide range of laptops produced by various manufacturers. Foolishness and considered so unique, then the phenomenon of photographing yourself using webcam is increasingly widespread. Then, the selfie have started to cool but not yet famous as "selfie". An increasingly sophisticated technological progress turned out to bring up the new technology, in the form of existence of the front camera features in different types of mobile phones that very ease someone photographing yourself from the front.
So, a few years later after the social media are increasingly successful in public life, then any social media users feel the more facilitated to take a photo of yourself. Because of these conditions, then an awful lot of the parties concluded that the strongest foundation that made the current generation is selfie fond of social networking.

2. The Popularity Of Selfie On Past Life

Unique Facts Related To Selfie
Unique Facts Related To Selfie

Long before the term selfie or photographed yourself famous as it is today, a world artist named Vincent Van Gogh turned out never made a painting that made his face itself as an object. Uniquely, he never painted his left ear itself each time painting his face. According to the news, the left ear of the Gogh lost because he never involved a disagreement with one of a friend named Paul Gauguin. The phenomenon of selfie in the past not only stop until there only. Because a few years later, the polaroid camera appears as well as a disposable camera that was very popular at the time.

3. Most Popular Poses Selfie

Unique Facts Related To Selfie
Unique Facts Related To Selfie

Do you know whether your favorite pose selfie the users of social media? Yes, it is true. The answer is the duckface. However, not a few are also users of social media who choose to sleep sitting pose relax on the beach while enjoying the sunset or sunrise as their favorite selfie poses. Uniquely, the favorite selfie poses not only to stop up there alone. For some users of social media thus chose the pose with selfie showing off their muscles are the hefty so it can be seen by his friends in the virtual world. But there are also those who choose poses lying sick as their favorite selfie poses. Now, the trend poses a growing favorite selfie with a large number of people are photographing themselves while the Middle drive a motor vehicle.

Knowing The Human Body's Biological Clock

All of you certainly know that our body has a biological clock, the body's biological clock, what the hell is that?
The body's biological clock is useful in establishing the working rhythm of the body and regulate what should be done with the body naturally. One of them, the biological clock wake-up time.
This biological clock also serves set up when the body should rest, when the body requires food or other activities that are done the body for 24 hours. It's called the circadian clock. If already accustomed to waking up because it awakened waker, then you guys will experience called the researchers social jet lag. And it can be fixed.
Social jet lag are they that when sleep, can't get up on my own. They have a dependency to the waker. In fact, the body has its own clock, when to sleep and when to wake up. It's called the circadian clock. Circadian clock is disturbed, it can also affect insulin levels in the body.

Knowing The Human Body's Biological Clock
Knowing The Human Body's Biological Clock

At 01.00-02.00 
This time is the time of sleep most soundly. In these hours, various organs of the body ended. Therefore, staying out strongly not recommended because it will interfere with health.

At 04.00-05.00 
This is the time the lowest body temperature. Wake up on time is indeed likely to be difficult because the body temperature is being dingin-dinginnya, but very good for health.

At 05.00-06.00
An increase in blood pressure is most sharply at this hour. Production of the stress hormone cortisol or increased so that the brain is ready to work a long day, but it wasn't until nearly a trigger stress.

At 07.00
At this time the sex hormone increases. The hormone testosterone in both men and women experience increased estogen early in the morning, so were able to evoke the passionate sex.

At 08.00
The movement of the intestine is highest at this hour. This time is very suitable for defecation. In addition, most accurate weight measurement carried out at this hour after defecation.

At 09.00
At this hour, the body's metabolism increases, so this is the most suitable time for breakfast. Fats are absorbed in this hour will not be many accumulate.

At 10.00-11.00
Like a diesel engine, the body and mind are already hot and reach the ideal conditions for the activity of the moment ahead of the afternoon. A high level of vigilance, there is rarely a sleepy unless indeed being sleep-deprived.

At 11.00-12.00
Much needed rest pause at these hours to give it a chance on body and mind unwind. This is the right time for breaks and lunch.

At 14.00-15.00
The ability of the brain to perform coordination is at its highest at this hour. Then this is the most appropriate time when someone wants to do multitasking activity.

At 15.00-17.00
Heart rate is most stable at this time. If you want to work out, this is the most appropriate time because the adrenaline level was at the highest level. The hours this is the most appropriate time for physical activity.

At 17.00-20.00
Liver function in processing the leftover toxins metabolism is highest in the late afternoon, so that needs to be backed up with drinking water. The desire for snacking too high because of the ability of the sense of smell (nose) and taste (tongue) increased.

At 20.00-22.00
Metabolism and reduced bowel movements at this hour. Not much energy combustion occurs at night so that when eating at night, the energy reserves in the form of fat will also be stored in large quantities.

At 22.00-23.00
Compared to the morning, increased libido or sex passion at night is not too high because it's been physically exhausted. But the chance of the occurrence of ovulation and fertilization most high on sex the night towards the bed rather than the morning.

Biological clock could be indicative of a person through its activities. Not all must comply with the specified hours, could have been faster, slower or shift. The human body is also flexible and adaptive in a variety of situations, of course, must be balanced with the intake of food and enough rest.

Monday 16 May 2016

5 human intelligence that can trigger the destruction of world civilization

Along with the development of the times, then human intelligence will continue to thrive and produce fruit that are increasingly thinking smart. But from all that, new problems will arise.
In a report written by Dennis Pamlin of the Global Challenge Foundation and Stuart Armstrong of the Future of Humanity Institute mentions, there is a risk or danger that arguably triggered the destruction of the world, the extinction of mankind which leads to the collapse of civilization caused by intelligence that created by the man himself.

5 human intelligence that can trigger the destruction of world civilization
5 human intelligence that can trigger the destruction of world civilization

1. Artificial Intelligence

The progress of science technology does help human life, even now able to create artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was created and put into the computer in order to do the work as do humans. Al is widely used in robotics, neural networks, and games. But if artificial intelligence is misused to evil, then this can affect people's lives.

2. Nanotechnology

Same is the case with biological synthetics, threats of nanotechnology can be felt in the future. Why is this so, it can create a lot of actors who have the ability to develop a strong armament. As for the other concerns caused by nano technology is the gray goo scenario will create, where it will grow out of control so that potentially undermine civilization.

3. Synthetic Biology

Biology of Sintentis this may not be impacted at this time but will have an impact on the future. Synthesis of biology is a new scientific field that focuses on the creation of biological systems, including artificial life. That cause harm is a synthetic biological tools can be used to design a supervirus or superbakteria is more contagious. In addition, the organism can be created as a biological weapon, either a military or a specific person.

4. Bad Goverment

Most of the threats that have mentioned requires global coordination to address them. Climate change is the most prominent example, but risks such as nano tech and artificial intelligence need regulation at koordinasikan internationally. The danger is that the governance structure often fail and sometimes end up worsening the problem that they want to try to fix it. Policy failure in addressing those risks that will bring negative effects.

5. Supervolcano

The eruption of a volcano alone can affect climate, damaging the biosphere, affecting the food supply, and creating political instability, so what if it happened great letus, then it will cause significant global cooling and disrupted agricultural production so that it can interfere with human survival.